KIds Sleep & Breathing
So many young children who continue to mouth breathe and snore after ear, nose and throat surgery. They continue to struggle with restless sleep, low energy, behavior or learning problems and sometimes retained sucking habits. This is common and can be addressed by providing the right stimulus for the body to heal. This program is exactly that. A structured and guided pathway on how to get your child breathing, sleeping and growing to their full potential.
The Program
The first 3-6 years of life is the biggest growth phase of your child's face and jaws. We can't change genetics but we can enhance environmental factors that stimulate growth. This is an interactive learning experience for you and your child. Motivate them to engage in their oral health routine and get the tools you need to help your child sleep, grow, learn and thrive. Get your children interested in toothbrushing with education and motivational tools. Learn simple strategies you can implement that support optimal facial growth.
1LearnLearn about why this problem exists so that you can understand the process behind the strategy.
2applyApply the exercises, games, activities and stories that stimulate healthy breathing, oral hygiene, positive movement for growing faces
3repeatRepeat the steps and build a successful routine for long term and meaningful change.
In person consultation
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Complete any day, any time.
Complete any day, any time.
Some people say that snoring is cute, I strongly disagree! Did you know that new research has found that even 'simple snoring' in children can affect the brain. It's not cute, these kiddos are struggling to breathe and while some people will tell you that they will grow out of it, I'll tell you that I see fully grown adults with the same problem. Often the same history too. As kids grow, the importance of quality sleep for learning and cognition only get more demanding. Did you know that growth hormone is released in certain stages of sleep. If your child is not breathing well, then these reparative sleep stages may not be reached.
Your child's environment has an impact on how their mouth and face grows. If the mouth is open during the day and night, the tongue cannot stimulate the palate to assist in normal development. This contributes to underdeveloped jaws. Smaller jaws means less room for the teeth. Did you know that you can predict orthodontic problems already in this age group. The problem is that most orthodontics starts at age 7-8. This is when children are old enough to tolerate treatment and clinicians can get predictable and more stable results. We cannot ignore the problem for those in-between years. Healthy breathing will assist in growing a beautiful face
* Links to research can be found at the bottom of the page
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