Orthodontic Support
The tongue is the expander and the lips are the braces.
When the tongue is resting on the palate, the lips are closed, when we breathe through the nose and swallow correctly then their is a balance of forces that supports orthodontic stability. The younger this happens, the bigger the impact on growth. Whilst we cant change our genetics, we can create an environment that supports healthy development.
Early intervention orthodontics is really important to ensure optimal airway development. If we think about it, the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nose and if your child doesn't have enough room for their teeth it means their palate and their nasal space has not developed well. By using the right dental expander appliance at the right age, your dentist or orthodontist can make this space much more ideal and create more space in the sinuses to breathe. This will also make more space for the tongue and make ideal tongue placement for speech, swallow, breathing and sleep much easier to achieve.
Once a child finishes growing, this is much more complex and difficult process so please do not wait for your child to finish growing before considering treatment. Have an assessment early.
We teach good oral function that supports good oral development. We have worked closely with dentists and orthodontists for many years and have a sound understanding on the interplay between structure and function. Lets do this early